Latchkey kids know good T.V!
When I say I watched a lot of TV as a kid, I'm not exaggerating....In fact, I watched so much that my mom quit buying the TV guide (member those) and she relied solely on my personal knowledge of times, days and title of programming! When it came to movies, well we had MOVIEPHONE we could call!
As I've aged, and especially over the last two years, I am often pulled back to that time when things felt slower and simpler. My childhood wasn't the worst but it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns either. It's possible that some of my TV watching was an escape, but I truthfully just loved watching it. I also loved reading, BTW, but the stories being unfolded on the telly, well... there was just no comparison. And oh the movies, an absolute magical experience!
I remember our first VCR. First I should mention that it was the size of a briefcase and back then, only the wealthier kids had them. My Grandpa bought us one and my life changed from then on. Our grocery store began to sell VCR tapes and my mom would drop me off in that section while she shopped. I would stay there looking at every cover and reading the back of every movie trying to make the best selection for my 99 cents. I was always torn, awweeeee the decisions!
So now fast forward (get it) to today and I find that my choices in design even with miniatures have often been infused with the things I loved as a child.
The two paper mache houses that you are seeing here were garage sales finds that I located at a cat lady house. When I say cat lady I mean to say that every thing in the garage sale had a cat on it or was in the shape of a cat (meow). The larger house immediately reminded me of a house featured in the 1989 movie "The Burbs." The movie wasn't a big blockbuster but it was a movie that needed time to simmer and has become a cult classic. The premise is that several neighbors living in a seemingly uninteresting neighborhood have some suspicious new move-ins on the street. Trying to relax, but also break out of his mundane life, Ray played by Tom Hanks, teams up with his other suspicious neighbors to try to figure out if the new peeps are misunderstood eccentrics or actual murderers! It's a fun movie worth the hour and half....besides who hasn't suspected an odd neighbor to be perhaps....dun dun dun.....burying bodies in their back me? Ok then...moving on....
SO this house....I repainted and transformed it into the Klopecs house from The Burbs....
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