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Latchkey kids know good T.V!

       When I say I watched a lot of TV as a kid, I'm not exaggerating....In fact, I watched so much that my mom quit buying the TV guide (member those) and she relied solely on my personal knowledge of times, days and title of programming! When it came to movies, well we had MOVIEPHONE we could call!  As I've aged, and especially over the last two years, I am often pulled back to that time when things felt slower and simpler. My childhood wasn't the worst but it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns either. It's possible that some of my TV watching was an escape, but I truthfully just loved watching it. I also loved reading, BTW, but the stories being unfolded on the telly, well... there was just no comparison. And oh the movies, an absolute magical experience!  I remember our first VCR. First I should mention that it was the size of a briefcase and back then, only the wealthier kids had them. My Grandpa bought us one and my life changed from then on. Our groce...

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